Do your customers demand specific, controlled and repeatable processed pieces from you? Do you want to ensure a flawless finished surface in one step? Wondering how you can improve scratch resistance on stainless steel products?
We specialize in demanding batch and low batch processing of stainless steel pieces (sandblasting of stainless steel surfaces and products). In the fields of: automotive, pharmaceutical metal and chemical industries, we have been processing pieces of various shapes and dimensions up to 5,000 × 2,500 × 2,500 mm and weighing 6,000 kg for more than 20 years.
With our procedures we improve the load-bearing capacity of stainless steel (rostfrei) welds by up to 200%. During processing, the initial compressive stresses are changed to compression stresses. In this way, we significantly reduce the possibility of cracks and collapse of workpieces.
removal of discoloration and impurities
Traces of heat treatments, impurities and rust / ferrite particles are completely removed from the workpieces. The pieces are thus ready for immediate further use.
aesthetic appearance of surfaces
Depending on the specific requirements of the client, rostfrei pieces are processed to the prescribed roughness. By performing periodic measurements of treated surfaces, we ensure 100% traceability and repeatability of the process.
Processing the interior of ROSTFREI pipes and other hollow elements is not an obstacle for us. We have developed dedicated blasting systems with which we process pipes with a diameter of 15 to 2,000 mm.
easy to clean and maintain
We provide completely homogeneous surfaces that are easy and quick to clean. At the same time, stainless steel pieces treated in this way are more resistant to scratches that occur during daily use and cleaning. This is especially important in the food industry and pharmacy.
Dedicated booths and chambers for stainless steel sandblasting
- BlastHUB blasting chamber
- BlastCAB blasting booth
How does Blast Processing Technician work?
Blast Tehnik offers comprehensive support from development to solving your problem.
During the processing process, a billion small glass balls are fired at a speed of 300 km / h and crash into the surface. In doing so, it reshapes and lightly kneads the surface to give it an impressive surface hardness in addition to its impressive appearance. The process provides the surface much more resistant to wear and scratches.
Sandblasting medium control
Because we are aware of the importance of the condition of the blasting medium, we regularly monitor it.
The glass ball shatters on impact and takes on an irregular shape. After 5 strokes, it has many sharp edges that damage and destroy the surface. Therefore, it is mandatory to change the blasting medium every 5 cycles. We call this the 5-cycle rule.
LEFT: The picture shows a sandblasting medium that is suitable for use. And a suitably treated surface (stainless steel), which we create with such a sandblasting medium.
RIGHT: The figure shows a worn sandblasting medium that is no longer usable. As a result, the unsuitable surface created by such a blasting medium is shown. Such a medium is therefore not suitable for use and must be replaced beforehand.
Roughness measurement
Sandblasting of stainless steel surfaces is a process that requires treatment of test surfaces with different parameters. The tests are performed until the desired roughness or surface structures. This is followed by the transfer of an identical processing procedure to all pieces of the client.
The frequency of roughness control depends on the needs of the client. Otherwise, regular inspection allows us a high quality of repeatability even when it comes to manual sandblasting of stainless steel surfaces.
By following the strictest surface treatment standards, we achieve extremely low roughness Ra 1.2 mic., Which allows the possibility of using the equipment in clean rooms (pharmaceutical and chemical production).
Examples of use by industry
Pharmaceutical industry
- process equipment
- lifts and manipulators
- mobile carts
- filter housing housings
Chemical industry
- tanks and containers
- stirred
- lifts and manipulators
- set up
food industry
- dishes
- trolleys
- jerk off
- stirred
Construction industry
- constructions
- fences
- platforms and other structural elements
Automotive industry
- decorative elements in and on vehicles
- decorative elements
- device housings
5,000 x 2,500 x 2,500 - 6t
We also process the largest pieces such as tanks, reactors, mixers, structures …
We provide services at our locations in Novo mesto and Dobova, and in the field – at your location.
Pictured: Self-supporting structures of demanding process machines and lines for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
Why Blast Tehnik?
- We offer a guarantee for the performed service of sandblasting stainless steel surfaces.
- More than 20 years of experience in the field of sandblasting stainless steel surfaces.
- Because we know how to sand stainless steel even for the most demanding pharmaceutical industry.
- We have the capacity to perform large series, as well as demanding pieces of various shapes and sizes.
- We provide 100% coverage of processing and repeatability of the process.